TEEPSA (Deep Water Orange Basin) – comments on scoping report

TotalEnergies (TEEPSA) holds an exploration right to explore for oil and gas off the West Coast of South Africa.

TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V. (TEEPSA) is the South African subsidiary of TotalEnergies. They hold this right together with two other companies, QatarEnergy and Sezigyn (Pty) Ltd.

In 2023, TEEPSA received authorisation to undertake various exploration activities within block DWOB, including exploration well drilling in an area of interest in the northern part of the licence block DWOB, between Port Nolloth and Hondeklipbaai.

TEEPSA is now proposing to conduct additional exploration drilling, within an area located in the southern part of the block, between Saldanha and Hondeklipbaai. However, before starting with their proposed activities, TEEPSA must conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), sometimes called an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA). The EIA consists of two phases: the Scoping Phase and the Impact Assessment Phase. We are currently at the Scoping Phase.

SLR Consulting has been appointed as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to create the Scoping report.

This community pamphlet was developed in February 2025 to provide communities with an understanding of the project and is available to download in Afrikaans.

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