Main Street 1549 (Pty) Ltd – Proposed Survey Activities in Blocks 9 and 11B/12B South Coast, South Africa

Main Street 1549 (Pty) Ltd (“Main Street”), a private South African entity involved in oil and gas exploration, is proposing survey activities in Licence Blocks 9 and 11B/12B, located off the southern coast of South Africa. These surveys are part of the ongoing exploration and potential development of oil and gas in the Outeniqua Basin.

Natural gas pockets were discovered in Block 11B/12B at the Brulpadda and Luiperd wells. The joint venture partners at the time initiated the process to secure a Production Right (“PR”), 12/4/013 PR, and the necessary Environmental Authorisation (“EA”) for developing these resources. This was led by TotalEnergies EP South Africa (“TEEPSA”), who commissioned an Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (“ESIA”) process. This process included public participation conducted throughout 2022 and 2023. The original joint venture included TEEPSA, Qatar Energy, Canadian Natural Resources International (South Africa) Limited and Main Street. TEEPSA, Qatar Energy and Canadian Natural Resources have since withdrawn from the Block 11B/12B project entirely.

Main Street currently holds Exploration Right 12/3/067 over Block 11B/12B and is now leading the project after the other companies withdrew. Main Street plan to conduct ‘downscaled and non-invasive’ surveys in Block11B/12B and the adjacent Block 9. Block 9 is held by PetroSA under Exploration Right 12/4/061.

Comments on the Draft Scoping Report are due by Thursday 3 April 2025.

This information pamphlet was created to inform communities of the proposed activities and the proposed project’s potential impacts on communities and the environment. It is available to download in Afrikaans and isiXhosa.

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