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Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework

Harry Jonas (OECMs)
Harry Jonas presents on OECMs/conserved areas in London
An update on the development of the post-2020 biodiversity framework

On 20-21 February 2018, over 250 experts met at the Zoological Society of London to discuss the post-2020 biodiversity framework, with a focus on conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. The two day event was designed to feed into the Convention on Biological Diversity’s process of developing a new, 10-year strategic plan from 2021-2030. A wide range os speakers engaged with a number of central questions, and more details can be found here. Among them, Harry Jonas (Natural Justice) presented on ‘other effective area-based conservation measures’ (OECMs/conserved areas) that he argued have the potential to increase the areas recognised as contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity as well as diversify the actors involved in that effort. More about OECMs/conserved areas can be found on the IUCN Task Force’s website. The outcomes of the meeting will be developed into a CBD Technical Series publication and will be presented, among other places, at the upcoming CBD inter-sessional meeting in July 2018 (SBSTTA-22).

15 March 2018




Customary Use and Conservation

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