
Madagascar is one of the world’s top megadiverse countries, both in terms of overall biodiversity and the number of endemic species. Adding to this the rich traditional knowledge of Malagasy communities. It is therefore no wonder that the country has been the target of sustained bioprospecting activities over the last decades. So far, unfortunately, the benefits derived from these activities have largely been realised outside of the country and not been shared with local stakeholders.

Madagascar is about to enact a Decree on Access and Benefit Sharing, which will implement the Nagoya Protocol and regulate access to the country’s genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge of local communities.

Our work in Madagascar aims to:

  • Improve the fulfillment of the rights of local communities to their resources and traditional knowledge, in the implementation of ABS and other frameworks.
  • Support several pilots of community protocols in the ABS context, with partners including GIZ and Bioversity.
  • Advise the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and the FAO Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources, through a partnership with the national focal points for each treaty.


Sokhna Dié Ka Dia

Director, Dakar Hub

Country News

Communique de presse: Projet D’autoroute Antananarivo-Toamasina

Save the ICCA of Sakatia in Madagascar against land grabbing


Protéger demain : documenter le courage et la résilience des défenseurs de l’environnement en Afrique

Protecting Tomorrow: Documenting the Courage and Resilience of Environmental Defenders in Africa 

Madagascar :  La grande famille des défenseurs environnementaux déplore la mort de Henri RAKOTOARISOA

Country Publications

Protocole Bioculturel Communautaire des communautés locales du fokontany  Ampa…

Protocole Bioculturel Communautaire des communautés locales du fokontany Sahand…

Submission: Cultural Rights and Climate Change

Community Protocols in Africa

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