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Nairobi Expressway Project

In mid-October 2019, President Uhuru Kenyatta launched the Nairobi Expressway. The expressway is a 27 Km four lane dual carriage way, which runs along the median strips of Mombasa Road (starting at Mlolongo), Uhuru Highway and Waiyaki Way, (terminating at James Gichuru Road). It is to be tolled and will have ten interchanges.

The KShs. 62 Billion development is to be undertaken as a Public Private Partnership with the China Road and Bridge Construction Corporation (Kenya) (CRBC) on a build-operate-transfer model. That is, the concessionaire, CRBC, will finance, build and operate the tolled road for 30 years during which it will recover its costs (with interest) before transferring its operation to the Kenyan National Highways Authority (KeNHA).

The project faced opposition due to reports that it would hive off some 23 meters of Uhuru Park, which KeNHA considers part of the road reserve for Uhuru Highway. Despite these assurances, the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study Report (ESIA Study) still suggests that there will be significant impacts on Uhuru Park and other ecologically sensitive areas around the Thika Interchange, Chiromo, Nyayo Stadium and the Railways Golf Club.


Scoping Phase

Date of approval of the Scoping Report or Comprehensive Summary of the Project Report & TOR:
11 October 2019
Download a copy of the Scoping Report or Comprehensive Summary of the Project Report & TOR:

EIA Study Phase

Date of commencement of the EIA Process:
11 October 2019
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Newspaper Notices

Name of newspaper in which the notice was advertised:
Date of newspaper publication of a notice on the proposed project:
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Name of newspaper in which the notice was advertised:
Date of newspaper publication of a notice on the proposed project:
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Radio Announcements

Name of radio station in which the announcement was advertised:
Date of radio announcement of a notice on the proposed project:
Download a copy of the radio station media order:
Name of radio station in which the announcement was advertised:
Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC)
Date of radio announcement of a notice on the proposed project:
5 March 2020
Download a copy of the radio station media order:

Public Meetings

Date of the public meeting:
20 November 2019
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of the public meeting:
19 November 2019
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of the public meeting:
11 December 2019
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of the public meeting:
10 December 2019
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of the public meeting:
27 November 2019
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of the public meeting:
26 November 2019
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of the public meeting:
22 November 2019
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of the public meeting:
21 November 2019
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of Submission of EIA Study Report to NEMA:
16 January 2020
Title of EIA study report:
NEMA/EIA/5/2/1688 - Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Proposed Nairobi Expressway Project
URL link to the EIA study repor:
Download a copy of the EIA Study Report:
Analysis of the EIA study phase:

A number of observations were made regarding various aspects of the EIA study phase as follows:-

  • The ESIA Report does not contain the Terms of Reference that ought to have informed the preparation of the ESIA Report. Nor does it contain a Scoping Report which should have been the basis for the preparation of Terms of Reference for NEMA’s approval.
  • Generally, certain procedural requirements regarding public participation were not observed specifically in relation to Regulation 17 (2) of the EIA Regulations which requires the project proponent to publicize the project in both official and local languages in a radio station with nationwide coverage.

EIA Study Review Phase

Newspaper Notices

Name of newspaper in which the notice was advertised:
Standard Newspaper
Date of newspaper publication of a notice on the proposed project:
24 February 2020
Download a copy of the newspaper notice:
Name of newspaper in which the notice was advertised:
Daily Nation Newspaper
Date of newspaper publication of a notice on the proposed project:
24 February 2020
Download a copy of the newspaper notice:
Date of publication of invitation for public comments in the Kenya Gazette:
28 February 2020
Title of the Kenya Gazette notice:
Gazette Notice Volume: CXXII No. 40. Invitation for public comments for the Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the proposed Nairobi Expressway project in Nairobi City County
URL link to the Kenya Gazette notice:
Download comments on EIA Study Report:
Download the invitation for the public hearing meeting:
Date on which the public hearing was held:
Download minutes of the public hearing meeting:
Analysis of the public hearing:

Your Comments

You may send us comments on the EIA Study Report:

Final Decision

Establishment of a technical advisory committee (YES/NO):
NEMA’s decision on the EIA license application (APPROVED/NOT APPROVED):
Date of Decision:
2 April 2020
Download a copy of the EIA license:
Download the reasons for the decision:

Environmental Audits

Environmental Audit Report title:
Environmental Audit Report date:
Environmental Audit Report description:
Download Environmental Audit Report:
Environmental Audit Analysis:

Additional Information

General Comments

You may send us comments on this EIA tracking process in general:

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