Submission: Draft South African Framework on Article 6

The draft Article 6 framework, published by the Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries (DFFE), outlines South Africa’s strategy for implementing cooperative mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. While the framework intends to align South Africa’s climate goals with international commitments, it raises serious concerns; for example: its impact on indigenous peoples, local communities, and the broader principles of climate justice.

Civil society organisations from South Africa have submitted comments strongly urging the government to take a stronger stance against them in South Africa, given their flawed logic around mobilising climate finance, climate mitigation action and history of environmental justice abuses and human rights abuses.

More specifically, civil society members in South Africa have noted, with concern, that carbon markets are not a replacement for climate finance that the developed countries are obligated to deliver to developing countries.
Moreover, there is extensive evidence that carbon markets do not replace climate mitigation and that developed countries should not use elements of Article 6 to reduce their mitigation ambition.

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Comments were submitted by Southern African Faith Communities Environment Institute (SAFCEI) and endorsed by:
Natural Justice
Centre for Environmental Rights (CER)
The Green Connection
groundWork (gW)
Just Share
Project 90 by 2030
Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA)

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