Environmental Court Cases: Ryanair

Natural Justice has developed a series of summaries of significant court cases from across the world related to climate change and rights of nature. These are designed for the public, policy makers and practitioners and provide a snapshot of cases that are being brought to courts in order to advance the protection and rights of nature, including seeking ways to hold governments accountable for their international commitments to reducing carbon emissions.

ASA Ruling on Ryanair Ltd

Ryanair, an airline headquartered in Ireland, ran a series of advertisements in the United Kingdom in September 2019 boasting its “low CO2 emissions” and claiming to be the “lowest emissions airline.” Its emissions were 66g CO2 per passenger-kilometres flown, a figure which the airline claimed supported its low-emissions claims.

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) concluded that the company’s claims regarding emissions were misleading and constituted a violation of the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising, Sales Promotion and Direct Marketing.

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