Human Rights and Biodiversity Conservation

A side event at CBD-SBSTTA will update on the recent Dialogue.

Biodiversity and human rights are closely linked and interdependent. Despite this, there is an alarming gap in assessing biodiversity and ecosystem conservation policies from a Human Rights perspective. The post 2020 agenda along with the SDGs are envisioning advantages of synergies between these two areas. This event provides an overview of the key outcomes of the Global Dialogue on Human Rights and Biodiversity Conservation (Eldoret, Kenya, 20-23 November 2017) which gathered a broad range of actors with different perspectives from Indigenous peoples, local communities, scientists, African regional experts as well as international governmental and non-governmental organisations with expertise on human rights and biodiversity conservation.

The objective of the Dialogue was to identify and suggest improvements to existing approaches, tools, and practices for ensuring that respect for human rights strengthens the ability to achieve conservation targets, and that securing conservation targets improves communities’ ability to secure their human rights.

A side event will be held at the 21st meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Science, Technical and Technological Advice at 1:15pm on 15 December in Montreal. Please join.

11 December 2017




Conservation Standards

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