“Scraping the Pot”: New Report on the Situation of Namibia’s San Population

The Land, Environment and Development Project of the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) have launched what is arguably the most comprehensive report ever on the situation of the San in Namibia. Since Independence in 1990, the country has made tremendous progress in entrenching its citizens’ social, economic and human rights. However, significant challenges remain, not least that Namibia has one of the highest income-distribution disparities in the world.
From 2010 to 2013, the Land, Environment and Development Project, in cooperation with the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN), conducted a comprehensive study focusing on the living conditions of the San communities in Namibia. The resulting report  – entitled Scraping the Pot: San in Namibia Two Decades after Independence – highlights the challenges and barriers faced by the San, being some of the country’s citizens who are disenfranchised by this extreme disparity.

“Scraping The Pot” is designed to be a tool for policymakers, multilateral partners and NGOs to enhance the quality of their programmes’ design and implementation, and to provide them with a sound and comprehensive empirical basis for policymaking.

The writing of this report was made possible through funding from the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA), as well as other donors.

25 April 2014



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