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Report on Africa Regional Symposium for Community Land and Natural Resources Protection


Following the highly success Africa Regional Symposium for Community Land and Natural Resources Protection, co-hosted by Natural Justice and Namati in Cape Town in November 2013, a report on the outcomes of the Symposium have been released.

Community Land and Natural Resource advocates from around Africa gathered together at this symposium to discuss challenges and brainstorm solutions based on their own experiences, revolving around the following 8 key themes:

  • Community definition;
  • Conflict resolution;
  • Governance and Leadership;
  • Equity and Gender;
  • Conservation and Stewardship;
  • Investor-Community Relations;
  • Government Barriers to Implementation;
  • Policy advocacy and Law-Making.

The organisers look forward to building the momentum created during the symposium.

17 April 2014


Conservation Standards, Customary Use and Conservation, Governance of Lands and Natural Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing

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