Pamphlet: TotalEnergies on the Southern Cape Coast of South Africa (11B/12B)

TotalEnergies has submitted an application to produce oil and gas off the coastline of South Africa. This will take place in block 11b/12b, situated 75 km offshore of Cape St Francis, and 120 km offshore of Mossel Bay. they have submitted a draft environmental impact assessment for public commentary.

TotalEnergies EP South Africa B.V. (TEEPSA) is the South African subsidiary of TotalEnergies. TEEPSA, together with its partners, QatarEnergy International E&P LLC, Canadian Natural Resources International South Africa Limited, and a South African consortium, MainStreet 1549, submitted applications to the Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA) for a Production Right and for Environmental Authorisation for oil and gas activities in an offshore block known as Block 11B/12B.

This application includes both production and exploration activities. This means that TEEPSA has applied to extract undersea gas resources for commercial gain for a period of 25 years.

Production activities

If the Production Right is granted and Environmental Authorisation is received, TEEPSA proposes to drill up to five or six production wells in the Project Development Area. The gas and condensates from the wells will be piped to an existing platform on the surface of the ocean, called the F-A Platform, which is approximately 40 km northwest of Block 11B/12B.

Exploration activities

The Project seeks to extract gas as its primary motive, but also to find other gas reserves. For this, they have identified an area called the Exploratory Priority Area where they will drill four wells. They will also undertake further seismic testing throughout the entire block.

This pamphlet was developed in October 2023 to provide communities with an understanding of the project.

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