Human Rights Standards for Conservation

In 2013 Natural Justice published the second edition of The Living Convention – the first compilation of the full extent of international law relevant to Indigenous and Tribal peoples and local communities. It sets out the specific provisions of relevant international instruments in an integrated compendium, so that – for example – all provisions from across the full spectrum of international agreements that deal with ‘free, prior and informed consent’ are grouped under the same heading.

Building on its earlier engagement in the Conservation Initiative on Human Rights, the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) is working with Natural Justice and an advisory group of Indigenous and other lawyers and practitioners to further develop The Living Convention to provide a clear articulation of minimum human rights standards for stakeholders working in the context of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures – as described in Aichi Biodiversity Target 11. Like The Living Convention, this approach is based on existing international law and policy.

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