New Report on Compensation for Communities in Relation to Large Investments

Natural Justice’s  Stephanie Booker has contributed a chapter entitled “Biocultural Community Protocols: A useful means of securing community interests in the context of extractive industries” to a new publication by the Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC).
Supported by Bread for the World and Groupe Tchad, the publication, “Compensation Matters. Securing community interests in large-scale investments“, provides analyses of contentious issues in compensation matters such as power relations in negotiations, entitlements for compensation,  as well as an examination of the different types of compensation and discussion of a number of issues with respect to affected communities.
Also included are  a number of tools and approaches that may be/ have been use to approach compensation strategically, aimed at sustainable, just and inclusive outcomes for affected communities.


15 April 2014


Community Protocols, Extractives and Infrastructure

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