More than 93% of Extractives Developments Involve Inhabited Land – New Report

In a new analysis of almost 73,000 concessions in eight tropical forested countries, more than 93% of mining, logging, agriculture, oil and gas developments were found to involve land inhabited by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The report, Communities as Counterparties: Preliminary Review of Concessions and Conflict in Emerging and Frontier Markets, prepared by The Munden Project, highlights the alarming amount of land that governments have handed over to the private sector for mining, logging, agriculture, oil and gas, including 40% of all land in Peru and 30% in Indonesia. The researchers found that these concessions often generate conflict with local communities. Examining 100 such instances, the report identifies major patterns in how and why these conflicts occurred, and puts forth recommendations for avoiding them.

30 October 2014


Extractives and Infrastructure

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