ICCA Consortium and Natural Justice at WILD 10

From the 8th to the 10th of October the ICCA Consortium representatives and Natural Justice attended the 10th World Wilderness Congress, Wild 10, in Salamanca, Spain. Approximately 1500 people, including indigenous peoples and local communities, conservation organizations, government and business representatives attended the conference during which experiences were shared on conservation measures across the globe. An Indigenous and Community Lands and Seas Forum was also held during which members of the ICCA Consortium spoke of their territories and resources and the challenges faced to protect and conserve them.
Gino Cocchiaro (Natural Justice) was invited to speak about community protocols and highlight examples as to how such protocols are being used to foster dialogue and agreement between communities and protected area authorities.
Gino also presented on biocultural rights during the Nature Rights Stream. During his presentation, Gino highlighted the advances that communities have made making in international and national law to advance their biocultural or stewardship rights. He also advocated for deeper partnerships between protected area authorities and communities that recognise the rights and roles of communities to steward their territories and areas.

11 October 2013


Community Protocols

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