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CBD Alliance Recap of COP 11

The CBD Alliance has launched a special issue of its ECO newsletter focused on the discussions, outcomes and challenges of the 11th Conference of Parties (COP 11) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In a brief overview of COP 11, it notes the near-retirement of the landmark Decision III/11 on Agricultural Biodiversity in the name of efficiency and the successful effort to save the decision. It also expresses optimism that COP 12 will focus primarily on implementing past decisions.
This overview is followed by several articles on a variety of COP 11 topics. Holly Shrumm and Harry Jonas of Natural Justice authored an article entitled “Resilient Peoples for Resilient Ecosystems.” The article highlights two studies which Natural Justice developed in partnership with the Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved Territories and Areas (ICCA) Consortium and Kalpavriksh on the recognition of ICCAs. The first study, co-published with the CBD Secretariat, considers legal and non-legal forms of recognition and support for ICCAs. The second study offers a more in-depth examination of the legal and institutional aspects of ICCA recognition at the national, regional and international levels. The article then briefly considers the impact of COP 11 decisions on ICCA law and policy.
Other articles consider capacity development for Access and Benefit Sharing in Africa, the next COP and customary sustainable use, business and biodiversity, the tokenism of India’s $50 million pledge to support the cause of biodiversity, youth and COP 11, and biodiversity and livelihoods.
The newsletter can be downloaded here.

4 December 2012

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