Anaya Statement on Namibia Trip

The United Nation’s Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples, James Anaya, has released an end-of-mission statement on his visit to Namibia from 20-28 September, 2012. During Mr Anaya’s visit he met with representatives from indigenous communities including Natural Justice partners in Bwabata National Park, government officials and representatives from civil society.
Mr Anaya noted that “indigenous groups that are in the minority in Namibia have suffered injustices in the past that leave them disadvantaged, to varying degrees, in the present…These groups have expressed to me a strong desire for greater inclusion in decision-making at all levels, to be able to genuinely set their own priorities for development, and to regain or strengthen rights over lands and natural resources, particularly lands to which they retain a cultural attachment.”
Find Mr Anaya’s full end-of-mission statement here. Find the press release on his visit here. Learn more about his work here.

1 October 2012



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