Rooibos Restitution

After a long struggle to protect the rights of indigenous communities, a landmark decision has been taken by the Rooibos Industry to enter into negotiations with the Khoi and San as the associated traditional knowledge rights holders to the uses of Rooibos. An Access and Benefit Sharing Agreement is currently being concluded between the two parties based on mutually agreed terms in compliance with Nagoya Protocol.

This documentary unpacks some of the key issues that arise due the commercialisation of genetic resources and explores the impact of this on indigenous communities and their associated traditional knowledge of such resources.

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Biocultural Community Protocols: Articulating and Asserting Stewardship

Articulant et Affirmant lintendance

Protocoles Bioculturels Communautaires: Articulant et Affirmant l’intendance des Communautés

Articulando y Afirmando la Custodia

Protocolos Comunitarios Bioculturales: Articulando y Afirmando la Custodia


Photo Story – BCP of the Traditional Health Practitioners of Bushbuckridge


Rooibos Robbery: A Story of Bioprospecting in South Africa


Maldhari Biocultural Community Protocol Photo Story

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