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To the Youth of South Africa: Youth Day 2020

By Natural Justice

The 16 June 1976 Uprising, that began in Soweto and spread countrywide, profoundly changed the socio-political landscape in South Africa. It brings painful memories for activists and freedom fighters in South Africa. It is a constant reminder of the brutality of apartheid. At the same time, it is a symbol of hope as young people rose up to a brutal and unjust system.

We know that your struggles continue, not just for equal education but also for your future and the future of the Earth. Despite the various struggles, South Africa is the most unequal country in the world. A key part of our current struggle is against big polluters, extractive industries, and human apathy and ignorance. We are in a time of planetary crisis and there isn’t much time left to make the big changes we need. Given the history of struggle in South Africa, we know that nothing is impossible. It is possible to turn the tide against inequality, injustice and unemployment.  

Youth are leading global change and Natural Justice supports these struggles. We are a youthful organisation and we support youth leaders in all the countries we work in. We are committed to providing a space for young people to learn about the law and grow as community mobilisers, paralegals, lawyers and leaders.  We invite your thought leadership at this time. We invite your energy. We will stand with you. 

We see you, we hear you, we support you. 

16 June 2020


South Africa

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