Side Events at the Bonn Climate Change Conference

Photo: United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change

Natural Justice is co-hosting a Side Event on the ‘Preliminary results of the International Savanna Fire Management Initiative’ together with the Australian Government and the United Nations University-Institute for Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). This Initiative is testing how Northern Australia’s experience of savanna burning projects – combining traditional indigenous approaches and fire management with emissions accounting methodologies – can be used in other counties. The Side Event will take place on Wednesday 3rd June between 18:30-20:00 hrs, Bonn I. Cath Traynor of Natural Justice will present on approaches to realize biocultural rights in this initiative.
Natural Justice has also contributed to a feasibility study on an independent citizen-based complaint review and referral mechanism under the Green Climate Fund. This study forms the basis for a Side Event co-hosted by Both ENDS Foundation and Transparency International, the ‘Environmental and social accountability for results based finance – lessons learnt and way forward’ session takes it’s point of departure that the need for safeguards and accountability mechanisms are widely recognised in international financial institutions (IFIs). This event will discuss how lessons from IFIs can inform the design of appropriate redress mechanisms for the GCF and other private and public climate finance flows. This event will take place on Monday 1st June at 16:45-18:15 in the Kaminzimmer room (113). For more information on the conference see the UNFCCC webpage.

8 June 2015


Climate Change

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