Natural Justice Strategy 2020-2022

In November 2019, Natural Justice team members met in Nairobi, Kenya, to discuss the new strategy direction for the organisation. At the time, the most important consideration for the team was the worsening impact of environmental injustice on communities in Africa and the growing need to show our support and solidarity to those facing multiple crises. The team is currently expanding, the countries we work in are increasing and the work is becoming more urgent.

Moving forward, the Natural Justice team will be working in a more flexible and integrated way; reducing the barriers between work streams and working across countries. After all, we are a diverse and youthful team, with much room for cross-learning. Many projects that we focus on also have numerous aspects to them, impact different countries and communities and mirror those same injustices happening in other countries. Having chosen to work across Africa, it is also now possible to work within regions, bringing communities together under the same umbrella concerns.

While understanding that our core ethics and ways of working will not change; that is, to work closely alongside communities, we will be embracing new strategies for change. These include campaigning, movement building, the expansion of the legal empowerment approach and the ongoing development of key partnerships.

This strategy, therefore, shows the shift in how we will be working moving forward – with less silos, more partnerships, in solidarity with communities and placing their voices first!

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