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2015-2016 Annual Report

During the course of this year, Natural Justice’s Association has worked to reorganize its organizational structure, both in terms of the management and programmatic work. This is in response to the recognition that the ‘association model’ of governance, which has served us well in the past, had outlived its efficiency due to changes in the organizations’ increased size, areas of expertise and geographic spread. After careful deliberation, it has been decided that the organization should be led by and Executive Director, a Chief Finance and Operations Officer and a Director of Programs. This model has subsequently been approved by the Board and will be implemented during the course of the 2016/2017 financial year.

In the meantime the organization is reorganizing its work according to the following programmatic areas, namely:

  • Governance of Lands and Natural Resources Program
  • Conservation and Customary Use Program
  • Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing Program
  • Sustainable Finance Program
  • Climate Change Program
  • Extractives and Infrastructure Program

Each of these programs has a Program Director, who provides strategic leadership to the programs development. They all are cross-‐regional thus facilitating important lesson-‐sharing across the organization’s offices.

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