In the evening of October 22, Natural Justice joined colleagues from civil society and IUCN’s Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP) at the third informal meeting of the Programme of Work on Protected Areas (PoWPA) Implementation Support Consortium. Among others in attendance were Sarat Babu Gidda (Convention on Biological Diversity Secretariat), Trevor Sandwith (Head of IUCN Global Protected Areas Programme), Nik Lopoukhine (chair of IUCN’s World Commission on Protected Areas, WCPA), Delfin Ganapin (Gobal Manager, GEF Small Grants Programme), Eduard Müller (vice-chair of IUCN-WCPA Mexico, Central America and Hispanic Caribbean), and Rodrigo Fuentes (Executive Director, ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity).
The meeting reviewed activities and lessons learned from 2006-2010 and discussed suggested approaches and activities for 2011-2012. Many participants noted several needs and suggestions, including: focusing more on qualitative and social-cultural assessments; revising the reporting format, including through considering independent reporters and thematic reporting; ensuring representation of Indigenous peoples and local communities at all levels, including as national focal points; utilizing the support and expertise of networks such as the ICCA Consortium and IUCN-TILCEPA; linking formal (State) and non-State initiatives; focusing on sustained capacity-building initiatives at the local level, including with government and community partners and through existing, in-country training institutions; enhancing the management effectiveness of existing protected areas rather than focusing strictly on establishing new ones; and supporting the development of learning networks in social-ecological regions.