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Virginia Nyauma

Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator

Virginia joined Natural Justice in June 2022 as the Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator. Her work supports NJ in conducting evidence-based research and monitoring, evaluation and learning regarding land rights, climate justice, resource rights, and human rights touching on indigenous people and local communities. Through this, NJ will be able to utilize the learnings to enhance its programmes and methodologies in collaboration with community partners, environmental defenders, and lawyers to increase the scale and impact of environmental justice strategies and help improve the region’s law and policy.

Virginia has a MA in Monitoring and Evaluation from Africa Nazarene University, BSc in Statistics and Programming from Kenyatta University and is also a Kantar Public Fellow on Applied Monitoring and Evaluation in Africa. Virginia has worked with both local and international development organizations with a specific focus on biodiversity conservation and livelihood improvement. She has an Expert-level understanding of performance evaluation, including the assessment of metrics, comparative analysis, and future projections based off of improvement.

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