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Njoki Njoroge Njehû

Board Member

Njoki Njoroge Njehû joined the board of Natural Justice in 2019. Ms. Njehû is a committed grassroots organizer/mobilizer and activist. Her first activism and advocacy lessons were from her mother, Lilian Njehû, a community and church-based activist who continues to inspire her to fight for justice.

A Pan-Africanist, feminist, and popular educator, Ms. Njehû’s expertise includes women’s land rights, gender justice, community rights, and environmental justice. She is Parish Council member of the Diocese of Mt. Kenya South, Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK) All Saints Rukubi Church, Kabete Archdeaconry.

She is co-founder & Executive Director of Daughters of Mumbi Global Resource Center, an independent non-ethnic, non-partisan Nairobi-based network. Previously she was Director of the 50 Years Is Enough: U.S. Network for Global Economic Justice and before that worked for Greenpeace International. She has testified three (3) times before the U.S. Congress, on debt, HIV/AIDS and other crises facing Africa.

Ms. Njehû is the coordinator of the Pan-African Fight Inequality Alliance, a Board member of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF) Africa, and a member of the Green Belt Movement. She is a former Board member of Jobs with Justice (U.S.) and of the National Government Constituency Development Fund Committee (NG-CDFC), Kabete Constituency.

Ms. Njehû has been profiled and quoted in print and broadcast media, including: Time Magazine, The Daily Nation (Kenya), The Financial Times (U.K), The New York Times, The Sankei Shimbun (Japan), The Washington Post, Ode Magazine (Netherlands), and on KBC TV (Kenya).

She holds a BA in Women & Third World Studies from William Smith College (Geneva, NY) and studied Development Communications at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY).

  • Photo taken from Urgent Action Fund website

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