Natural Justice features in a Pambazuka article (originally published by the Tax Justice Network) entitled, “The Battle Against Biopiracy“. The article states that: “Nestec SA, a subsidiary of Nestlé, based in Switzerland, applied for five patents, using water or alcohol extraction, for conditions much the same i.e.: rooibos being the ‘discovered’ property, in addition to that of the honeybush, another endemic plant. Nestlé, which holds 30.5 per cent shares in L’Oréal (the world’s largest cosmetic producer), and 50 per cent in Inneov (a joint venture with L’Oréal), claims that it had no intention of making commercial use of the plants in the future – though it hopes for the 20 year patent. The company further claims to have contravened no national laws (despite stipulating the need for prior informed consent) or international frameworks. Thanks to the effort of Natural Justice in South Africa, a local organisation comprised of attorneys ‘for communities and the environment’, the issue is now on the table.” The Berne Declaration and Natural Justice have been working on this since May, 2010.