Natural Justice advises Namibian Government on draft ABS Legislation

On the 23rd and 24th of February, Kabir Bavikatte and Gino Cocchiaro are in Windhoek, Namibia to attend the Awareness Raising Workshop on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) for Sustainable Utilization of Cultural and Natural Assets in Namibia.

Namibia currently does not have ABS legislation and the workshop, attended by the Minister of Environment and Tourism, Namibian Members of Parliament, Traditional Authority representatives and other representatives of Indigenous peoples and local communities, aims to inform key decision makers in Namibia about the importance of sustainable utilization of genetic resources thereby preserving Namibia’s biodiversity and contributing to poverty reduction and the enhancement of the livelihoods of the people of Namibia.

The draft legislation on ABS for Sustainable Utilization of Cultural and Natural Assets, on which Natural Justice has been advising the Ministry of Environment and Tourism, will be presented to the participants of the workshop by Natural Justice and Namibian law firm Nakamhela Attorneys.

23 February 2012


Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing



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