Latest in TK News

Check out these fascinating links for the latest on traditional knowledge and forest management, wildlife management, and climate change. In a guest UNU-IAS article, Lucy Rist et al. (2010) explore the relationships between traditional ecological knowledge and conventional scientific data in the management of non-timber forest products, including through a case study of the Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple Wildlife Sanctuary in Karnataka, India.

In the September issue of the Journal of Latin American Geography, Jane M. Read et al. (2010) illustrate how Indigenous peoples’ spiritual beliefs help preserve the rainforest in southern Guayana. They argue that both local environmental and spiritual/cultural contexts should be taken into account in studies that inform biodiversity and sustainable resource use management. Some of the study’s co-authors described the methods they used, including training local hunters to help gather data on wildlife populations, in this November 15 article on

The world’s first documentary on climate change in the Inuktitut language (with English sub-titles), by Zacharias Kunuk and Dr. Ian Mauro, conveys the social and ecological impacts of and ways of adapting to climate change in the Arctic through the eyes of Inuit elders and hunters.

Thanks to Elsa Tsioumani for the links in the latest TK Bulletin!

18 November 2010

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