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ICCA Studies Featured in Stockholm Resilience Centre Research News

Indigenous rangers in Australia are increasingly gaining
recognition for “caring for country”, including through the
Indigenous Protected Area programme. Photo courtesy:
Craig Wheeler, Mapoon Ranger
Two studies focusing on Indigenous peoples’ and community conserved territories and areas (ICCAs) have been featured in the Stockholm Resilience Centre‘s Research News in an article entitled “The Invisible Guardians: Enforcing legal mechanisms can highlight Indigenous peoples’ importance in natural resource governance“.

The first study, coordinated by Kalpavriksh and co-edited by Natural Justice, focuses more on non-legal aspects and is published as Volume 64 of the Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Series along with 19 country studies. The second, coordinated by Natural Justice, focuses more on legal and institutional aspects and includes 15 national and three regional reviews and a review of international law and jurisprudence (all available here). The synthesis report (available in English, Spanish and French) argues that while there are a number of positive developments in the way ICCAs are recognized and supported at the international and national levels, Indigenous peoples and local communities are still often discriminated against in practice, including in ways that undermine the integrity and resilience of their territories, areas and natural resources.

The article on the Stockholm Resilience Centre’s Research News also includes a video interview with Joji Carino (Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education, Tebtebba).

13 November 2012


Governance of Lands and Natural Resources

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