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ICCA Consortium Retreat in Indonesia

Harry Jonas and Holly Shrumm (Natural Justice) participated in a retreat of the ICCA Consortium from 6-11 October in Prana Dewi, Bali, Indonesia. The 6-day agenda brought together the new regional co-coordinators, the Consortium Secretariat, and some Member organizations and Honorary Members for the first time to discuss and plan a range of issues and initiatives.

Internal matters that were discussed included a review of the mission, 2020 vision, structure, membership, and past activities of the Consortium. Participants worked to propose revised Statutes, draft Procedural Guidelines, draft Membership, Partnership, and Financial Policies, and a proposed communication system for consideration at the 4th General Assembly on 12 October.

A range of sources of support were presented and considered, particularly: 2.5-year funding from The Christensen Fund (TCF) to strengthen the Consortium as an emerging local-to-global institution; 1-year funding from the UNDP/EEG Equator Initiative and UNDP/GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) for documentation and dissemination of information of ICCAs in the context of 2020 Aichi Biodiversity Targets; 1-year funding from SwedBio for a review of national, regional, and international laws, policies, and practices that support or hinder Indigenous peoples’ conserved territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities; and ideas for a funding proposal on participatory action research and policy advocacy. Also discussed were ongoing and potential initiatives and partnerships with, among others: the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Protected Areas Programme, Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP) and relevant Themes, and World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA); the Wild Foundation; and the UNEP-WCMC ICCA Registry.

Participants discussed past and planned involvement in various United Nations and other international policy mechanisms related to Indigenous peoples and local communities, particularly concerning biodiversity, climate change, food and agriculture, conservation, human rights, and cultural rights. They deliberated core concepts such as territories and the right to self-determination in relation to community conserved areas, considered a revised term for ICCAs, and planned regional objectives and activities for the Consortium in the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. A brief field trip helped illustrate cultural and spiritual aspects of the local water management and cultivation system known as Subak.

Natural Justice would like to thank Grazia Borrini-Feyerabend and Vanessa Reid in particular for planning the retreat and the Samdhana Institute for hosting us at Prana Dewi.

12 October 2011

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