BCP Training with County Government and Community Members of Isiolo, Kenya

Anab Kassim – Chairlady – Young Mothers Isiolo
On October 8, 2014 Natural Justice partner, Kivulini Trust, held a meeting on the application of bio-cultural community protocols (BCP). The workshop brought together representatives from County Government of Isiolo and Community members developing BCPs.
County Government representatives and community members are increasingly concerned that the Lamu Port – Southern Sudan- Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) Corridor will exacerbate the existing economic and cultural marginalization, persistent state of insecurity and lack of secure land tenure.

Though the Kenyan Constitution has provided its citizens with clear rights in relation to freedom of information, consultation and participation, this is applied sporadically and often historically marginalized communities, such as in Isiolo, are left behind. The meeting therefore sought to bridge the gap between communities and County Government by allowing community members to set out their concerns, challenges and desires for their futures.
County Government Representatives and Community
members take part in a group activity
One mechanism being utilized by pastoralist communities in Kina, Isiolo, is a BCP. BCPs or community protocols are tools to foster connection between communities and governments, or business, by providing clarity on how communities utilize their lands and resources, their decision making structures, how they wish to be consulted and be involved in certain projects. The Natural Justice Kenya Office is supporting communities along the LAPSSET Corridor in Kenya to affirm their rights to be involved in this mega-project that will hugely impact their lands, resources and livelihoods. For more information contact comms(dot)kenya(at)naturaljustice(dot)org.

17 October 2014


Community Protocols



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