ABS Training Course in Nairobi

Sabine Zajderman and Laureen Manuel (Natural Justice) attended a 5-day training course on access and benefit sharing (ABS) in Nairobi, Kenya, from 10-14 October. The course was aimed at addressing the capacity constraints faced by African countries in implementing ABS at the national and regional levels. About 30 delegates working in the field of ABS from East and Southern Africa attended the course, which was hosted by the Strathmore Executive Legal Education Programme (SELEP) in collaboration with the ABS Capacity Development Initiative for Africa. The course contents, designed by the Environmental Evaluation Unit of the University of Cape Town, included presentations on the key provisions of the Nagoya Protocol, traditional knowledge issues, and intellectual property rights, as well as case studies of actual experiences with ABS in Africa.

15 October 2011


Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing

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