Indigenous World 2014 Published, with Chapter by NJ’s Lesle Jansen

Natural Justice’s Lesle Jansen has contributed a chapter on South Africa to the International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs (IWGIA) annual publication, Indigenous Affairs. The 2014 edition contains a comprehensive update on the current situation of indigenous peoples in 73 articles written by indigenous and non-indigenous scholars and activists.


The chapter on South Africa is one  of 58 country reports and 15 articles on international processes, reflecting ongoing worldwide human rights violations, especially with regards to indigenous peoples’ land, territories and resources.
The reports also reflect indigenous peoples’ path towards the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, their participation in climate change negotiations, engagement with the Post 2015 Development Agenda, and their local struggles for the implementation of their right to development with free, prior and informed consent, among many other issues of importance in 2013.

17 June 2014

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