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Just Energy Transition Africa (JETA) Initiative

What is the JETA Initiative?

JETA is an initiative of non-profit environmental, energy and climate justice lawyers aimed at supporting African communities and CSOs leading the advocacy for our clean energy future and assisting the growth of a legal community of practice across the continent. The JETA Initiative is coordinated by Natural Justice in partnership with Earthjustice and the African Environmental Justice Lawyers Collective.

We provide legal assistance to communities, civil society organizations (CSOs) and local government to challenge new fossil fuel development and power generation in court; advance regulatory reform and strengthen energy planning to level the playing field for clean energy; and help ensure communities benefit from clean energy.

The decisions on energy development and procurement made in the next few years will shape Africa’s energy transition for decades, either locking in new oil and gas generation or accelerating the deployment of renewables and energy access for all. Over 600 million people in Africa today do not have access to modern energy services or clean cooking, limiting the provision of education and healthcare and the growth of productive enterprises.  

Africa should be the clean energy leader of the twenty-first century.  Africa’s pathway to a just energy transition depends on an empowered citizenry directly participating in energy decision-making to stop new fossil fuel projects, accelerate clean energy deployment, increase energy access, and advance sustainable development, climate mitigation and resilience. Together with civil society partners across Africa and around the world, we aim to help amplify their voices and make our nations’ leaders listen.

The JETA Initiative is currently focusing on the following work across Africa:

  1. Together with affected communities and CSOs, fighting new fossil fuel exploitation and generation in African countries.
  2. Advocating for law and regulatory reform to level the playing field for clean energy.
  3. Avoiding the social and environmental harms of large-scale renewable energy projects and ensuring that indigenous peoples and local communities benefit from the energy transition.
  4. Building legal capacity and a legal community of practice to support energy transition and climate justice work in Africa.

Please contact Lucien or Lauren at Natural Justice should you wish to join us in this Initiative. Regular updates will be given on progress, and relevant documents and resources can be found on this page.


Lauren Nel

Legal Coordinator: Just Energy Transition Africa Initiative

Lucien Limacher

Head of Defending Rights Program and Litigation

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