Krystalline Salt Limited (Marereni) assigned LR 13427 is located off Malindi – Lamu Road . The farm is approximately 42km from Malindi Town, situated between existing salt works of Krystalline salt on the south, private land on the north, Malindi-Lamu highway on the west and mangrove forest, creeks, sand dunes and the Indian Ocean on the east. The Salt company sought to expand its Marereni site by six hundred hectares (600 Ha). The expansion would establish an additional crystallizer area and evaporation ponds, with a view of increasing production generally within Krystalline Salt Limited.
Some of the potential positive impacts of the project are said to be; export revenue, creation of employment opportunities, business spinoffs, tax revenue, development of Marereni township, skill development and technology transfer. The potential negative impacts of the proposed project have been listed as; destruction of the seasonal wetland, disturbance of local fauna, loss of water sources within the proposed project site, destruction and removal of flora from the site, loss of animal grazing and watering areas, change in local air quality, among others.