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Krystalline Salt Limited (Marereni)

Krystalline Salt Limited (Marereni) assigned LR 13427 is located off Malindi – Lamu Road . The farm is approximately 42km from Malindi Town, situated between existing salt works of Krystalline salt on the south, private land on the north, Malindi-Lamu highway on the west and mangrove forest, creeks, sand dunes and the Indian Ocean on the east. The Salt company sought to expand its Marereni site by six hundred hectares (600 Ha). The expansion would establish an additional crystallizer area and evaporation ponds, with a view of increasing  production  generally within Krystalline Salt  Limited.  

Some of the potential positive impacts of the project are said to be; export revenue, creation of employment opportunities, business spinoffs, tax revenue, development of Marereni township, skill development and technology transfer. The potential negative impacts of the proposed project have been listed as; destruction of the seasonal wetland, disturbance of local fauna, loss of water sources within the proposed project site, destruction and removal of flora from the site, loss of animal grazing and watering areas, change in local air quality, among others.


Scoping Phase

Date of approval of the Scoping Report or Comprehensive Summary of the Project Report & TOR:
15 September 2014
Download a copy of the Scoping Report or Comprehensive Summary of the Project Report & TOR:

EIA Study Phase

Date of commencement of the EIA Process:
15 September 2014
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Newspaper Notices

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Date of newspaper publication of a notice on the proposed project:
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Date of newspaper publication of a notice on the proposed project:
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Radio Announcements

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Date of radio announcement of a notice on the proposed project:
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Name of radio station in which the announcement was advertised:
Date of radio announcement of a notice on the proposed project:
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Public Meetings

Date of the public meeting:
24 October 2014
Download minutes of that meeting:
Date of the public meeting:
16 October 2014
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Date of the public meeting:
14 October 2014
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Date of Submission of EIA Study Report to NEMA:
15 May 2014
Title of EIA study report:
NEMA/PR/5/2/1202: Proposed Expansion of Krystalline Salt Limited Marereni Salt Works. Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report
URL link to the EIA study repor:
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Analysis of the EIA study phase:

EIA Study Review Phase

Newspaper Notices

Name of newspaper in which the notice was advertised:
Date of newspaper publication of a notice on the proposed project:
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Name of newspaper in which the notice was advertised:
Date of newspaper publication of a notice on the proposed project:
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Date of publication of invitation for public comments in the Kenya Gazette:
20 February 2015
Title of the Kenya Gazette notice:
Gazette Notice No.1200 Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report for the Proposed Expansion of Krystalline Salt Ltd. Marereni Salt Works on Land Reference Number 13427 Off Malindi-Lamu Road, Marereni Sub-location, Fundi Isa Location Gongoni Division, Kilifi County
URL link to the Kenya Gazette notice:
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Download the invitation for the public hearing meeting:
Date on which the public hearing was held:
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Analysis of the public hearing:

Your Comments

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Final Decision

Establishment of a technical advisory committee (YES/NO):
NEMA’s decision on the EIA license application (APPROVED/NOT APPROVED):
Date of Decision:
17 April 2015
Download a copy of the EIA license:
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Environmental Audits

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Environmental Audit Report date:
Environmental Audit Report description:
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Environmental Audit Analysis:

Additional Information

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